Bringing Knowledge to the Broader World

Our Story & Mission

The Lifespan Research Foundation’s mission is to enable people to live healthier lives filled with meaning, connection, and purpose.

The Foundation’s work builds on decades of studies that provide robust answers to the question: What promotes human thriving? A team of scientists, health professionals, and business leaders leads the Foundation in conducting research, disseminating information, and offering programs that promote healthy adult development.

The research, including the renowned Harvard Study of Adult Development, has changed our understanding of fundamental human challenges, particularly the search for meaning and satisfying relationships. It has provided a window into understanding pathways toward health and well-being at various life stages, and guidance for creating joy and fulfillment in life.

The Lifespan Research Foundation offers tools and learning resources that help individuals build positive relationships at work and in their personal lives, and helps organizations foster more engaging, productive environments for employees and clients. The Foundation’s work is based on five core principles:

  • The conditions of human thriving are knowable and actionable
  • Life-affirming human connections foster better physical health and greater emotional well-being
  • Finding meaning and purpose throughout the lifespan is critical for human flourishing
  • Understanding life stages and the human life cycle empowers us to bring greater perspective and wisdom to the choices we make
  • Challenges are inevitable, and certain strategies for coping with challenges help people reduce stress, foster well-being, and facilitate adaptation to change

We have developed specific competencies and practices to help people successfully navigate life transitions even when confronted with difficult circumstances.

Two people laying down in the trunk of a car looking out at a field of flowers.

Transform Your Life

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